



Above is an illustration of one of the Binder Park Zoo trams that was made in Adobe Illustrator (not using live trace)


The above illustration of a raccoon and the text Zoo Snooze are for a tshirt for the education programs at Binder Park Zoo.


Above are some vinyl illustrations that I designed in Illustrator, used a vinyl cutter to cut and I also installed them on this vehicle.

Above is an illustration made in Illustrator (not using live trace)

Above is a hand drawn sketch that was scanned in to Photoshop and made in to one color.


The above illustration was designed for Bowling for Rhinos and used in a few ads to promote the AAZK of Battle Creek's fundraiser for that event. It was created in Illustrator.

Above is a pen illustration of two Kukubaras that was used on the bird's exhibit sign.

Above is another pen and marker illustration that was used on a tshirt. It is a superhero kitty.

This giraffe was sketched out to go on t-shirts for the over night safari program at Binder Park Zoo.


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